cosmetic dentistry, dental health, dental hygiene Dursley, Dursley dentist, health and hygiene, new patients, Castle Gate, Castle Gate Dental Practice Dursley, cosmetic dental treatments
Fluoride toothpaste and water fluoridisation has had a significant effect on reducing the levels of decay in the UK, explains Dursley dentist Richard Whitcombe from Castle Gate Dental Practice. But research carried out every ten years in the Child Dental Health Survey...
Castle Gate Dental Practice Dursley, dental health, dental hygiene Dursley, Dursley dentist, health and hygiene, new patients, Castle Gate
The Dursley dentists at Castle Gate Dental near Stroud are proud to support National Smile Month, the UK’s largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health. National Smile Month highlights three key messages, all of which go a long way in helping...
Castle Gate Dental Practice Dursley, dental health, dental hygiene Dursley, Dursley dentist, emergency patients, health and hygiene, new patients
The Easter bunny is on his way laden with chocolate, sweets, hot cross buns and other sweet treats and at this time of the year it’s hard to resist. But the Dursley dentists and hygiene team at Castle Gate Dental Practice near Stroud in Gloucestershire remind us that...